Getting Enough Protein Through Foods And Supplements
Protein is known for being the foundation of your cellular structure, and it makes up the building blocks of muscle and tissue throughout your body. It helps regenerate cells after an injury so that you heal faster, it also aids in muscle growth so that when you work out you have the ability to get larger biceps and a more toned stomach. In order for protein to take effect you have to get enough of it into your system, and this means making it a regular part of your daily diet.
Shakes And Bars
Some people find it difficult to eat enough meat to keep their protein levels up when working out and staying healthy. For this reason many men and women turn to supplements through the form of shakes and bars in order to obtain vital nutrients on the go. There are different forms of these products created in various brands, flavors and price points.
“Whey concentrate can be used both pre and post workout and can also be used as a snack in between meals.” –
Whey protein is one of the most commonly found forms of protein powder used in beverages and snack bars globally. It is said to be a poor choice for those who are looking for a late night snack because it can complicate sleep patterns, and has been known to cause bloating, but during the day when you’re most active, it’s a great way to get protein into your body.
Meatless Protein
For vegetarians and vegans, eating meat and consuming whey powder aren’t really an option, which means using alternative forms of dietary protein to give your muscle the source of nutrients that they require. Quinoa, tofu, tempeh, beans, nuts, and sprouted grain bread are a few of the ingredients that can bring your protein levels up to par without putting any animal lives in danger. If you find it difficult to procure some of these items, which can be the case in a small town, then there are also protein-rich vegan supplements that can be taken in tablet and powder form.
Keeping It Lean
When you do use meat as a source of protein, which is usually best if you’re not against animal consumption, you gain the benefits of better nutrient absorption, stronger bone density, and many other nutritional advantages. You do have to be careful in limiting the amount of fats that you take in; although your body does require some fats to stay healthy, too much of this can cause heart problems, and invite bad cholesterol into your system.
Choose lean cuts of grass fed beef, grain fed chicken breasts, and wild salmon to get the most from your meat and fish.
Breakfast At A Glance
Breakfast is known as the most important meal of the day so it makes sense that one of the healthiest sources of protein comes in the form of an egg. To gain the most health advantages from your eggs it’s best to choose free range grain fed chicken eggs, and to eat the whole egg, rather than just the whites.
“If eggs were meant to be eaten as mechanically-separated, low-fat, chemically-altered whites in a carton, the chickens would have done it by now. But an egg is a chick in the making. It’s rich in antioxidants, good fats, vitamins, and for the calories, a lot of protein.” – Mark’s Daily Apple
Sometimes having one yolk, or even half of a yolk, with two whites in your omelet can improve taste and nutrition without adding too much fat.